lunes, 1 de marzo de 2021

Más de 400 parlamentarios de Europa piden a la UE que detenga una " anexión de facto " de Cisjordania.

 Más de 400 parlamentarios de Europa piden a la UE que detenga una “anexión de facto” de Cisjordania

Traducción CSCA

Queridos Ministros de Asuntos Exteriores europeos, 

Querido Alto Representante de la UE,

El comienzo de la presidencia de Biden ofrece una oportunidad muy necesaria para abordar el conflicto israelo-palestino con un esfuerzo renovado. La anterior administración estadounidense dejó el conflicto más lejos que nunca de la paz. El gobierno Biden ofrece la oportunidad de corregir el rumbo y crea un mayor espacio para un compromiso y un liderazgo europeos significativos. Paralelamente, el anuncio de la celebración de elecciones palestinas en los próximos meses ofrece una oportunidad para la renovación y reunificación política palestina.

Los recientes acuerdos regionales de normalización con Israel han llevado a la suspensión de los planes de anexionar formalmente el territorio de Cisjordania. Sin embargo, los acontecimientos sobre el terreno apuntan claramente a una anexión de facto, especialmente a través de la expansión acelerada de los asentamientos y la demolición de estructuras palestinas.

A pesar de la pandemia de coronavirus, el año pasado se produjo el mayor número de demoliciones de viviendas y estructuras palestinas en cuatro años, incluidas las estructuras humanitarias financiadas por donantes europeos. Esto incluyó la demolición de casi toda una comunidad en Khirbet Hamsa al-Foqa, en lo que la ONU describió como el mayor incidente de desplazamiento forzado en más de cuatro años.

Al mismo tiempo, el avance de los asentamientos ilegales israelíes en el territorio palestino ocupado se ha disparado, alcanzando las cifras más altas desde 2012, según Peace Now. La construcción recientemente aprobada del asentamiento de Givat Hamatos, anteriormente denominado como la línea roja de Europa, es especialmente preocupante.

Mientras tanto, la situación humanitaria en Gaza sigue deteriorándose bajo el bloqueo israelí, que se ve agravado por las divisiones intrapalestinas. Gaza sigue corriendo el riesgo de una escalada violenta en cualquier momento.

Ningún esfuerzo por reanudar el diálogo y reconstruir la confianza podrá tener éxito si continúan estas tendencias negativas sobre el terreno. Estas políticas están eliminando la posibilidad de una solución de dos Estados y afianzan la realidad de un solo Estado, con derechos desiguales y un conflicto perpetuo. Es inaceptable y estratégicamente inviable que este sea el futuro de la región.

Durante la administración Trump, Europa desempeñó un papel indispensable para mantener la línea de preservar los parámetros acordados internacionalmente y el derecho internacional como marco para una justa resolución del conflicto mientras estos principios estaban bajo una inmensa presión.

Ahora es el momento de que Europa pase de mantener la línea a avanzar. Europa debe colaborar con la administración Biden, los países de la región y las partes sobre el terreno para evitar que una acción unilateral socave la posibilidad de la paz y el avance en los derechos y la seguridad de toda la población de Israel y por el contrario crear las condiciones que hagan posible un futuro acuerdo negociado.

En este esfuerzo, la UE y los países europeos deben demostrar su liderazgo, haciendo uso de su gama de herramientas políticas disponibles. Son fundamentales las medidas concretas para garantizar diferenciación efectiva entre Israel y los asentamientos, de acuerdo con la Resolución 2334 del Consejo de seguridad de las NNUU. El apoyo diplomático, legal y financiero a las comunidades palestinas en riesgo de demolición y traslado forzoso. El apoyo europeo activo a la reconciliación palestina y las elecciones en todo el territorio palestino son vitales, incluso como como base para acabar con el aislamiento de Gaza.

Esperamos trabajar con ustedes para avanzar en estas prioridades políticas y lograr nuestros objetivos compartidos de paz e igualdad para todos los israelíes y palestinos.



1. Debbie Abrahams, Labour Party, United Kingdom 2. Tina Acketoft, Liberal Party, Sweden 3. Alviina Alametsä, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Finland) 4. Lord John Alderdice, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 5. François Alfonsi, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (France) 6. Senator Bert Anciaux, sp.a, Belgium 7. Chris Andrews, Sinn Féin, Ireland 8. Maria Arena, Chair of Subcommittee on Human Rights, S&D, European Parliament (Belgium) 9. Margrete Auken, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Denmark) 10. Clémentine Autain, La France Insoumise, France 11. Pedro Bacelar de Vasconcelos, Socialist Party, Portugal 12. Senator Ivana Bacik, Labour Party, Ireland 13. Carlo Back, Green Party, Luxembourg 14. Christine Badertscher, Green Party, Switzerland 15. Paula Barker, Labour Party, United Kingdom 16. Hon. Minister Evarist Bartolo, Minister of Foriegn Affairs, Malta 17. Dr. Dietmar Bartsch, Chairman of the parliamentary group, Die Linke, Germany 18. Margarete Bause, party spokesperson on human rights and humanitarian aid, Green Party, Germany 19. Danyal Bayaz, Green Party, Germany 20. Lord Jeremy Beecham, Labour Party, United Kingdom 21. Denis Begic, Social Democratic Party, Sweden 22. Senator Guy Benarroche, Ecologist, Solidarity and Territories group, France 23. Senator Esther Benbassa, Ecologist, Solidarity and Territories group, France 24. Brando Benifei, S&D, European Parliament (Italy) 25. Rt Hon Hilary Benn, former International Development Secretary, Labour Party, United Kingdom 26. Emma Berginger, Green Party, Sweden 27. Erik Bergkvist, S&D, European Parliament (Sweden) 28. Ugo Bernalicis, La France insoumise, France 29. Djuna Bernard, Vice-president of the Green Party and Vice-President of the Parliament,Luxembourg 30. Clive Betts, Labour Party, United Kingdom 31. Izaskun Bilbao Barandica, Renew Europe, European Parliament (Spain) 32. Benoît Biteau, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (France) 33. Rósa Björk Brynjólfsdóttir, Left-Green Movement, Iceland 34. Senator Frances Black, Independent, Ireland 35. Rt Hon Baroness Tessa Blackstone, Labour Party, former Education Minister, United Kingdom 36. Baroness Christine Blower, Labour Party, United Kingdom 37. Crispin Blunt, Conservative Party, former Chair of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee and former Minister of State for Prisons, United Kingdom 38. Laura Boldrini, Former President of the Chamber of Deputies, PD, Italy 39. Nabil Boukili, PVDA-PTB, Belgium 40. Richard Boyd Barrett, People Before Profit, Ireland 41. Rt Hon Ben Bradshaw, Labour Party, former Middle East Minister, United Kingdom 42. John Brady, Party Spokesperson on Foreign Affairs and Trade, Sinn Féin, Ireland 43. Dr. Helmut Brandstätter, spokesperson on Foreign Affairs, NEOS, Austria 44. Dr. Franziska Brantner, spokesperson for European Policy and parliamentary whip for the parliamentary group, Green Party, Germany 45. Kevin Brennan, Labour Party, United Kingdom 46. Milan Brglez, former Speaker of the National Assembly, S&D, European Parliament (Slovenia) 47. Saskia Bricmont, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Belgium) 48. Jean-Louis Bricout, Socialist Party, France 49. Jan Briers, CD&V, Belgium 50. Alan Brown, Scottish National Party, United Kingdom 51. Rt Hon Lord Malcolm Bruce of Bennachie, former Chair of the International Development Select Committee, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 52. Agnieszka Brugger, Deputy Chairperson of parliamentary group, Green Party, Germany 53. Alain Bruneel, Democratic and Republican Left group, France 54. Sylvie Brunet, Vice-Chair of the Renew Europe Group, European Parliament (France) 55. Vincenza Bruno Bossio, PD, Italy 56. Marie-George Buffet, Democratic and Republican Left group, France 57. Richard Burgon, Labour Party, United Kingdom 58. Delara Burkhardt, S&D, European Parliament (Germany) 59. Johan Büser, Social Democratic Party, Sweden 60. Rt Hon Lord Menzies Campbell of Pittenweem QC, Liberal Democrats, former Leader of the Liberal Democrats , United Kingdom 61. Dan Carden, Labour Party, United Kingdom 62. Damien Carême, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (France) 63. Rt Hon Alistair Carmichael, Spokesperson for Home Affairs, Political & Constitutional Reform, and Northern Ireland and former Scotland Secretary, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 64. Lord Rupert Carrington, Crossbench, United Kingdom 65. Matt Carthy, Sinn Féin, Ireland 66. Baroness Lynda Chalker of Wallasey, former Foreign Office Minister, Conservative Party, United Kingdom 67. Wendy Chamberlain, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 68. Sarah Champion, Chair of the International Development Select Committee, Labour Party, United Kingdom 69. Rt Rev the Lord Christopher Chessun, Bishop of Southwark, United Kingdom 70. Dr. Isabelle Chevalley, Vice-President of the Green Liberal Party, Switzerland 71. Sven Clement, President of the Pirate party, Luxembourg 72. Rt Hon Lord Timothy Clement-Jones, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 73. Prof. Christophe Clivaz, Green Party, Switzerland 74. Rt Rev the Lord Christopher Cocksworth, Bishop of Coventry, United Kingdom 75. Senator Hélène Conway-Mouret, Socialist, Ecologist and Republican group, France 76. Rose Conway-Walsh, Sinn Féin, Ireland 77. Daisy Cooper, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 78. Éric Coquerel, La France Insoumise, France 79. Rt Hon Jeremy Corbyn, former Leader of the Labour Party and former Leader of the Opposition, Independent, United Kingdom 80. David Cormand, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (France) 81. Patrick Costello, Green Party, Ireland 82. Barbara Creemers, Groen, Belgium 83. Dr. Brigitte Crottaz, Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 84. Seán Crowe, Sinn Féin, Ireland 85. Yves Cruchten, President of the Luxembourg Socialist Workers' Party - LSAP and President of the Commission of Foreign and European Affairs 86. John Cryer, Chair of the Parliamentary Labour Party, United Kingdom 87. Ciarán Cuffe, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Ireland) 88. Senator Cécile Cukierman, Communist, Republican, Citizen, and Ecologist group, France 89. Alex Cunningham, Labour Party, United Kingdom 90. Rosa D’Amato, Non-attached Member, European Parliament (Italy) 91. Rt Hon Baroness Frances D’Souza CMG, Crossbench, former Lord Speaker at the House of Lords, United Kingdom 92. Nooshi Dadgostar, Party Leader, Left Party, Sweden 93. Greet Daems, PVDA-PTB, Belgium 94. Sevim Dağdelen, party spokesperson on disarmament, Die Linke, Germany 95. Georges Dallemagne, cdH, Belgium 96. Jakop Dalunde, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Sweden) 97. Pa Daly, Sinn Féin, Ireland 98. Rt Hon Sir Edward Davey, Leader of the Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 99. Wayne David, Shadow Middle East Minister, Labour Party, United Kingdom 100. Wouter De Vriendt, Groen, Belgium 101. Steven De Vuyst, PVDA-PTB, Belgium 102. Dr. Diether Dehm, Die Linke, Germany 103. Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (France) 104. Jean-Marc Delizée, PS, Belgium 105. Karima Delli, Chair of Committee on Transport and Tourism, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (France) 106. Senator Mark Demesmaeker, N-VA, Belgium 107. Özlem Demirel, GUE/NGL, European Parliament (Germany) 108. Lord Meghnad Desai, Labour Party, United Kingdom 109. Senator Gilbert-Luc Devinaz, Socialist, Ecologist and Republican group, France 110. Pierre Dharréville, Democratic and Republican Left group, France 111. Paul Donnelly, Sinn Féin, Ireland 112. Laurence Dumont, Socialist Party, France 113. Pascal Durand, Renew Europe, European Parliament (France) 114. Yana Chiara Ehm, M5S, Italy 115. Petter Eide, Socialist Left Party, Norway 116. Uffe Elbæk, Independent, Denmark 117. Gorka Elejabarrieta Diaz, Republican Left of Catalonia, Spain 118. Maria Gloria Elizo Serrano, Third Vice President of the Congress of Deputies, Unidas Podemos, Spain 119. Julie Elliott, Labour Party, Co-Chair of the Britain-Palestine All Party Parliamentary Group, United Kingdom 120. Dessie Ellis, Sinn Féin, Ireland 121. Cornelia Ernst, GUE/NGL, European Parliament (Germany) 122. Klaus Ernst, Chairperson of the committee on economic affairs and energy, Die Linke, Germany 123. Nadia Essayan, Democratic Movement, France 124. Elisabeth Falkhaven, Green Party, Sweden 125. Sokratis Famellos, Syriza, Greece 126. Mairéad Farrell, Sinn Féin, Ireland 127. Angelo Farrugia, Labour, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Malta 128. Stephen Farry, Deputy Leader Alliance Party of Northern Ireland, United Kingdom 129. Stefano Fassina, Liberi e Uguali, Italy 130. Elsa Faucillon, Democratic and Republican Left group, France 131. Olivier Faure, First Secretary of the Socialist Party, France 132. Laurence Fehlmann Rielle, Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 133. Senator Jacques Fernique, Ecologist, Solidarity and Territories group, France 134. Margaret Ferrier, Independent, United Kingdom 135. Lotta Johnsson Fornarve, Deputy speaker, Left Party, Sweden 136. Rt Hon Lord Don Foster of Bath, Liberal Democrats, former Communities and Local Government Minister, United Kingdom 137. Senator Bernard Fournier, The Republicans, France 138. Tamara Funiciello, Vice-President of the Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 139. Sylvia Gabelmann, Die Linke, Germany 140. Rt Hon Baroness Sue Garden of Frognal, former Government Whip, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 141. Rt Hon Lord Edward Garnier QC, former Solicitor General, Conservative Party, United Kingdom 142. Senator Fabien Gay, Communist, Republican, Citizen, and Ecologist group, France 143. Kai Gehring, Green Party, Germany 144. Stefan Gelbhaar, Green Party, Germany 145. Raphaël Glucksmann, Chair of Special Committee on Foreign Interference in all Democratic Processes in the European Union, including Disinformation, S&D, European Parliament (France) 146. Ivan Gonçalves, Socialist Party, Portugal 147. Senator Guillaume Gontard, Communist, Republican, Citizen, and Ecologist group, France 148. Jette Gottlieb, Red-Green Alliance, Denmark 149. Thomas Gould, Sinn Féin, Ireland 150. Richard Graham, Chair of the Westminster Foundation for Democracy, Conservative Party, United Kingdom 151. Senator Michelle Gréaume, Communist, Republican, Citizen, and Ecologist group, France 152. Lord Tony Greaves, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 153. Lord Andrew Green of Deddington, Crossbench, United Kingdom 154. Markéta Gregorová, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Czech Republic) 155. Chiara Gribaudo, PD, Italy 156. Reverend Lord Leslie Griffiths of Burry Port, Labour Party, United Kingdom 157. Rt Hon Lord Bruce Grocott, Labour Party, United Kingdom 158. Claude Gruffat, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (France) 159. Sylvie Guillaume, S&D, European Parliament (France) 160. Johnny Guirke, Sinn Féin, Ireland 161. Björn Leví Gunnarsson, Pirate Party, Iceland 162. Hanna Gunnarsson, Left party Sweden 163. Andrew Gwynne, Labour Party, United Kingdom 164. Dr. Gregor Gysi, Die Linke, Germany 165. Bertel Haarder, Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee and Chairman of the Delegation to the Nordic Council, Venstre, Denmark 166. Louise Haigh, Shadow Northern Ireland Secretary, Labour Party, United Kingdom 167. Thomas Hammarberg, Social Democratic Party, Sweden 168. Rt Hon Lord David Hannay of Chiswick, Crossbench, former Foreign Office Permanent Representative to the UN and the EU, United Kingdom 169. Heike Hänsel, party spokesperson on international relations, Die Linke, Germany 170. Christophe Hansen, EPP, European Parliament (Luxembourg) 171. Svein Roald Hansen, Labour Party, Norway 172. Neale Hanvey, Scottish National Party, United Kingdom 173. Baroness Angela Harris, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 174. Satu Hassi, Chairperson of the Grand Committee, Green League, Finland 175. Seán Haughey, Party Spokesperson on Foreign Affairs, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 176. Heidi Hautala, former Minister of International Development and State Ownership Steering, EP Vice-President, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Finland) 177. Lord Alan Haworth of Fisherfield, Labour Party, United Kingdom 178. Helen Hayes, Shadow Minister for the Cabinet Office, Labour Party, United Kingdom 179. Lord John Hendy QC, Labour Party, United Kingdom 180. Wera Hobhouse, Spokesperson for Climate Emergency and Energy, Justice and Women & Equalities, Shadow Leader of the House, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 181. Sharon Hodgson, Shadow Minister for Veterans, Labour Party, United Kingdom 182. Senator Soetkin Hoessen, Groen, Belgium 183. Senator Annie Hoey, Labour Party, Ireland 184. Lord Clive Hollick, Labour Party, United Kingdom 185. Baroness Sheila Hollins, Crossbench, United Kingdom 186. Jens Holm, Left Party, Sweden 187. Pär Holmgren, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Sweden) 188. Veronika Honkasalo, Left Alliance, Finland 189. Rachel Hopkins, Labour Party, United Kingdom 190. Inka Hopsu, Green League, Finland 191. Meira Hot, Social Democrats, Slovenia 192. Neasa Hourigan, Green Party, Ireland 193. George Howarth, Labour Party, United Kingdom 194. Andrej Hunko, Deputy Chairperson of the parliamentary group, party spokesperson on European policy, Die Linke, Germany 195. Imran Hussain, Shadow Minister for Employment Rights and Protections, Labour Party, United Kingdom 196. Baroness Meral Hussein-Ece, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 197. Christian Hutin, Vice-president of the Foreign Affairs committee, Socialist Party, France 198. Evin Incir, S&D, European Parliament (Sweden) 199. Rt Rev John Inge, the Lord Bishop of Worcester, United Kingdom 200. Yannick Jadot, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (France) 201. Baroness Barbara Janke, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 202. Christine Jardine, Spokesperson for the Treasury, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 203. Ulla Jelpke, Die Linke, Germany 204. Kim Johnson, Labour Party, United Kingdom 205. Rt Hon Baroness Judith Jolly, former Government Whip, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 206. Bruno Joncour, Democratic Movement, President of GEVI France-Palestine, France 207. Lord Nigel Jones of Cheltenham, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 208. Irena Joveva, Renew Europe, European Parliament (Slovenia) 209. Régis Juanico, Socialist Party, France 210. Rt Hon Lord Frank Judd, former Foreign Office Minister, Labour Party, United Kingdom 211. Christian Juhl, Red-Green Alliance, Denmark 212. Senator Patrick Kanner, President of the Socialist, Ecologist and Republican group at the Senate, France 213. Sadet Karabulut, spokesperson for foreign affairs, Socialist Party, the Netherlands 214. Kari Elisabeth Kaski, Socialist Left Party, Norway 215. Giorgos Katrougalos, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Syriza, Greece 216. Uwe Kekeritz, party spokesperson on cooperation and development, Green Party, Germany 217. Billy Kelleher, Renew Europe, European Parliament (Ireland) 218. Baroness Helena Kennedy of The Shaws QC, Labour Party, United Kingdom 219. Senator Éric Kerrouche, Socialist, Ecologist and Republican group, France 220. Dr. Achim Kessler, Die Linke, Germany 221. Katja Keul, Green Party, Germany 222. Rt Hon Lord John Kilclooney, Crossbench, United Kingdom 223. Stephen Kinnock, Shadow Minister for Asia and Pacific, Labour Party, United Kingdom 224. Mai Kivelä, Left Alliance, Finland 225. Cansel Kiziltepe, SPD, Germany 226. Ewa Kołodziej, Civic Coalition, Poland 227. Anna Kontula, Left Alliance, Finland 228. František Kopřiva, Pirate Party, Czech Republic 229. Sylvia Kotting-Uhl, Chairperson of the Committee on the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Green Party, Germany 230. Alice Kuhnke, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Sweden) 231. Johan Kvarnström, Social Democratic Party, Finland 232. Francesca La Marca, PD, Italy 233. Senator Joël Labbé, Ecologist, Solidarity and Territories group, France 234. Jorge Lacão, Socialist Party, Portugal 235. Bastien Lachaud, La France Insoumise, France 236. Aurore Lalucq, S&D, European Parliament (France) 237. François-Michel Lambert, Liberties and Territories, France 238. Philippe Lamberts, Co-President of the Greens/EFA Group, European Parliament (Belgium) 239. Rt Hon David Lammy, Shadow Secretary of State for Justice and Shadow Lord Chancellor, Labour Party, United Kingdom 240. Dag Larsson, Social Democratic Party, Sweden 241. Hillevi Larsson, Social Democratic Party, Sweden 242. Senator Pierre Laurent, Vice-President of the Commission of Foreign Affairs and Defense, Communist, Republican, Citizen, and Ecologist group, France 243. Chris Law, Spokesperson for International Development and Climate Justice, Scottish National Party, United Kingdom 244. Senator Jean-Yves Leconte, Senator representing French people living outside France, Socialist Party, France 245. Lord John Lee of Trafford, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 246. Gérard Leseul, Socialist Party, France 247. Christian Levrat, Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 248. Lord Roger Liddle, Labour Party, United Kingdom 249. Martin Lidegaard, Chairman for the Foreign Policy Committee of The Danish Parliament, De Radikale, Denmark 250. Jan Lipavský, Pirate Party, Czech Republic 251. Baroness Ruth Lister, Labour Party, United Kingdom 252. Tony Lloyd, former Foreign Office Minister, Labour Party, United Kingdom 253. Nathalie Loiseau, former Minister of European Affairs, Chair of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence, Renew Europe, European Parliament (France) 254. Javi López, S&D, European Parliament (Spain) 255. César Luena, S&D, European Parliament (Spain) 256. Kenny MacAskill, Scottish National Party, former Justice Secretary in the Scottish Government, United Kingdom 257. Angus MacNeil, Chair of the International Trade Select Committee, Scottish National Party, United Kingdom 258. Pierre-Yves Maillard, Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 259. Magnus Manhammar, Social Democratic Party, Sweden 260. Charles Margue, Green Party, Luxembourg 261. Senator Didier Marie, Socialist, Ecologist and Republican group, France 262. Ada Marra, Vice-President of the Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 263. Fabio De Masi, Deputy Chairperson of the parliamentary group, Die Linke, Germany 264. Rachel Maskell, Shadow Minister for Voluntary Sector and Charities, Labour Party, United Kingdom 265. Fabio Massimo Castaldo, Non-attached Member, EP Vice-President (Italy) 266. Christoph Matschie, SPD, Germany 267. Kerry McCarthy, Shadow Minister for Green Transport, Labour Party, United Kingdom 268. Stewart McDonald, Spokesperson for Defence, Scottish National Party, United Kingdom 269. Catherine McKinnell, Labour Party, United Kingdom 270. Baroness Molly Meacher, Crossbench, United Kingdom 271. Nora Mebarek, S&D, European Parliament (France) 272. Karen Melchior, Renew Europe, European Parliament (Denmark) 273. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, President of La France Insoumise group at the National Assembly, France 274. Senator Michelle Meunier, Socialist, Ecologist and Republican group, France 275. Mattea Meyer, Co-President of the Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 276. Martina Michels, GUE/NGL, European Parliament (Germany) 277. Baroness Sue Miller of Chilthorne Domer, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 278. Navendu Mishra, Labour Party, United Kingdom 279. Amira Mohamed Ali, Chairperson of the parliamentary group, Die Linke, Germany 280. Fabian Molina, Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 281. Layla Moran, Liberal Democrats Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs & International Development, United Kingdom 282. Grahame Morris, Labour Party, United Kingdom 283. Senator Charles Mulet, Coalició Compromís, Spain 284. Claudia Müller, Green Party, Germany 285. Imelda Munster, Sinn Féin, Ireland 286. James Murray, Opposition Whip, Labour Party, United Kingdom 287. Arne Nævra, Socialist Left Party, Norway 288. Sébastien Nadot, non inscrit, France 289. Lisa Nandy, Shadow Foreign Secretary, Labour Party, United Kingdom 290. Laila Naraghi, Social Democratic Party, Sweden 291. Javier Nart, Renew Europe, European Parliament (Spain) 292. Ged Nash, Labour Party, Ireland 293. Zaklin Nastic, party spokesperson on Human Rights, Die Linke, Germany 294. František Navrkal, Pirate Party, Czech Republic 295. Dr. Alexander S. Neu, party spokesperson on the defence committee, Die Linke, Germany 296. Rt Hon Lord Dick Newby, Liberal Democrats Leader in the House of Lords, United Kingdom 297. John Nicolson, Spokesperson for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, Scottish National Party, United Kingdom 298. Pyry Niemi, Social Democratic Party, Sweden 299. Dietmar Nietan, SPD, Germany 300. Roger Nordmann, President of the Social Democrat Group of the Swiss Parliament, Switzerland 301. Rasmus Nordqvist, SF, Denmark 302. Senator David Norris, Father of the House, Seanad, Independent, Ireland 303. Rt Hon Baroness Lindsay Northover, Liberal Democrats, Spokesperson for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs in the House of Lords, United Kingdom 304. Joe O'Brien, Green Party, Ireland 305. Cian O'Callaghan, Social Democrats, Ireland 306. Darren O’Rourke, Sinn Féin, Ireland 307. Grace O’Sullivan, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Ireland) 308. Lord Jonny Oates, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 309. Danièle Obono, La France Insoumise, France 310. Kathrine Olldag, De Radikale, Denmark 311. Chi Onwurah, Shadow Minister for Science, Labour Party, Research and Digital, United Kingdom 312. Kolbeinn Óttarsson Proppé, Left-Green Movement, Iceland 313. Cem Özdemir, Chairman of the Committee on Transport and Digital Infrastructure, Green Party, Germany 314. Isabelle Pasquier-Eichenberger, Green Party, Switzerland 315. Lord Christopher Patten of Barnes, Conservative, United Kingdom 316. Lisa Paus, Green Party, Germany 317. Mikuláš Peksa, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Czech Republic) 318. Mario Perantoni, M5S, Italy 319. Tobias Pflüger, Deputy Party Chair, Die Linke, Germany 320. Giuditta Pini, PD, Italy 321. Christine Pirès Beaune, Socialist Party, France 322. Kati Piri, S&D, European Parliament (Netherlands) 323. Giuliano Pisapia, former mayor of Milan, S&D, European Parliament (Italy) 324. Paulo Pisco, Socialist Party, Portugal 325. Filiz Polat, Green Party, Germany 326. Senator Raymonde Poncet Monge, Ecologist, Solidarity and Territories group, France 327. Léonore Porchet, Green Party, Switzerland 328. Yasmine Posio, Left Party, Sweden 329. Jan Pošvář, Pirate Party, Czech Republic 330. Senator Angèle Préville, Socialist, Ecologist and Republican group, France 331. Thomas Pringle, Independent, Ireland 332. Ondřej Profant, Pirate Party, Czech Republic 333. Jon Pult, Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 334. José Manuel Pureza, Left Bloc, Portugal 335. Lord Jeremy Purvis of Tweed, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 336. Lia Quartapelle, PD, Italy 337. Adrien Quatennens, La France Insoumise, France 338. Alexandre Quintanilha, Socialist Party, Portugal 339. Baroness Jenny Randerson, Former Welsh Office Minister, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 340. Lord Christopher Rennard, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 341. Diana Riba i Giner, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Spain) 342. Tiago Barbosa Ribeiro, Socialist Party, Portugal 343. Michèle Rivasi, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (France) 344. María Soraya Rodríguez Ramos, former Secretary of State for International Cooperation, Renew Europe, European Parliament (Spain) 345. Senator Gilbert Roger, Vice-President of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defense and Armed Forces, President of the France-Palestine group at the Senate, Socialist, Ecologist and Republican group, France 346. Sophie Rohonyi, Défi, Belgium 347. Caroline Roose, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (France) 348. Claudia Roth, Vice President of Bundestag, Green Party, Germany 349. Gwendal Rouillard, La République en Marche, France 350. Fabien Roussel, Democratic and Republican Left group, France 351. Sabine Rubin, La France Insoumise, France 352. Idoia Villanueva Ruiz, GUE/NGL, European Parliament (Spain) 353. Alessandro Ruotolo, Mixed Group, Italy 354. Alex Agius Saliba, S&D, European Parliament (Malta) 355. Nacho Sánchez Amor, S&D, European Parliament (Spain) 356. Alfred Sant, S&D, European Parliament (Malta) 357. Isabelle Santiago, Socialist Party, France 358. Hanna Sarkkinen, Left Alliance, Finland 359. Doriana Sarli, M5S, Italy 360. Vicent Manuel Sarrià Morell, Socialist Party, Spain 361. Mounir Satouri, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (France) 362. Andreas Schieder, S&D, European Parliament (Austria) 363. Baroness Rosalind Scott of Needham Market, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 364. Andrew Selous, Second Church Estates Commissioner, Conservative Party, United Kingdom 365. Naz Shah, Shadow Minister for Community Cohesion, Labour Party, United Kingdom 366. Baroness Shas Sheehan, Liberal Democrats, International Development Spokesperson in the House of Lords, United Kingdom 367. Tommy Sheppard, Scottish National Party, United Kingdom 368. Lord John Shipley, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 369. Steingrímur J. Sigfússon, Speaker of the Althing, Left-Green Movement, Iceland 370. Sjoerd Sjoerdsma, spokesperson for foreign affairs, D66, the Netherlands 371. Pernille Skipper, Red-Green Alliance, Denmark 372. Andy Slaughter, Labour Party, United Kingdom 373. Brid Smith, People Before Profit, Ireland 374. Jeff Smith, Labour Party, United Kingdom 375. Pedro Filipe Soares, Left Bloc, Portugal 376. Alex Sobel, Labour Party, Shadow Minister for Tourism and Heritage, United Kingdom 377. Jordi Solé, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Spain) 378. Carlo Sommaruga, Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 379. Søren Søndergaard, Red-Green Alliance, Denmark 380. Carla Sousa, Socialist Party, Portugal 381. Senator Chris Steenwegen, Groen, Belgium 382. Lord Paul Strasburger, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 383. Wes Streeting, Shadow Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury, Labour Party, United Kingdom 384. Margit Stumpp, Green Party, Germany 385. Senator Jean-Pierre Sueur, Socialist Party, France 386. Zara Sultana, Labour Party, United Kingdom 387. Iiris Suomela, Green League, Finland 388. Gunilla Svantorp, Social Democratic Party, Sweden 389. Håkan Svenneling, Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs, Left Party, Sweden 390. Senator Sophie Taille-Polian, Ecologist, Solidarity and Territories group, France 391. Marie Tamarelle-Verhaeghe, La République en Marche, France 392. Baroness Celia Thomas of Winchester, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 393. Owen Thompson, Scottish National Party, United Kingdom 394. Lars Thomsson, Centre Party, Sweden 395. Jessica Thunander, Left Party, Sweden 396. Rt Hon Stephen Timms, former Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Labour Party, United Kingdom 397. Senator Jean-Claude Tissot, Socialist, Ecologist and Republican group, France 398. Senator Jean-Marc Todeschini, Vice-Chairman of the Senate Foreign Affairs, Defense and Armed Forces Committee, Socialist, Ecologist and Republican group, France 399. Sylvie Tolmont, Socialists, France 400. Michael Töngi, Green Party, Switzerland 401. Rt Hon Lord Graham Tope, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 402. Marie Toussaint, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (France) 403. Lord David Triesman, Former Foreign Office Minister, Labour Party , United Kingdom 404. Jürgen Trittin, Green Party, Germany 405. Giorgos Tsipras, Syriza, Greece 406. Vasiliki Tsouplaki, Left Party, Sweden 407. Lord Christopher Tugendhat, Former Vice President of the European Commission, Conservative, United Kingdom 408. Erkki Tuomioja, former Minister for Foreign Affairs, Social Democratic Party, Finland 409. Rt Hon Lord Paul Tyler, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 410. Ernest Urtasun, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Spain) 411. Carl Valentin, SF, Denmark 412. Boris Vallaud, spokesperson of the Socialist party, France 413. Kirsten van den Hul, spokesperson for foreign affairs, Labour Party, Netherlands 414. Bram van Ojik, spokesperson for foreign affairs, GreenLeft, the Netherlands 415. Hilde Vautmans, Renew Europe, European Parliament (Belgium) 416. Michèle Victory, Socialist Party, France 417. Senator Sara Vilà, Catalunya En Comú Podem, Spain 418. Nikolaj Villumsen, GUE/NGL, European Parliament (Denmark) 419. Marianne Vind, S&D, European Parliament (Denmark) 420. Dimitrios Vitsas, Syriza, Greece 421. Kathrin Vogler, party spokesperson on peace policy, Die Linke, Germany 422. Nikolaos Voutsis, former Minister of the Interior and Administrative Reconstruction and former President of the Hellenic Parliament, Syriza, Greece 423. Senator Lukáš Wagenknecht, Pirate Party, Czech Republic 424. Dr. Sahra Wagenknecht, Die Linke, Germany 425. David Wagner, The Left, Luxembourg 426. Ilona Szatmári Waldau, Left Party, Sweden 427. Nicolas Walder, Green Party, Switzerland 428. Rt Hon Lord William Wallace of Saltaire, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 429. Senator Fintan Warfield, Sinn Féin, Ireland 430. Rt Hon Lord Norman Warner, Crossbench, United Kingdom 431. Baroness Sayeeda Warsi, Conservative Party, former Chairman of the Conservative Party and Foreign Office Minister, Co-Chair of the Britain-Palestine All Party Parliamentary Group,United Kingdom 432. Claudia Webbe, Independent, United Kingdom 433. Cédric Wermuth, Co-President of the Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 434. Catherine West, Shadow Minister for Europe and Americas, Labour Party, United Kingdom 435. Baroness Janet Whitaker, Labour Party, United Kingdom 436. Philippa Whitford, Scottish National Party, United Kingdom 437. Mick Whitley, Labour Party, United Kingdom 438. Nicholas Wilkinson, Socialist Left Party, Norway 439. Evita Willaert, Groen, Belgium 440. Violet-Anne Wynne, Sinn Féin, Ireland 441. Salima Yenbou, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (France) 442. Gerhard Zickenheiner, Green Party, Germany

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