martes, 28 de junio de 2022



Campaña para suspender la participación israelí en futbol por la política de apartheid y ocupación que realiza Israel


Israel ha violado los principios de la FIFA de diversas maneras que normalmente justificarían acciones disciplinarias e incluso la suspensión de su membresía. Sin embargo, la política de la FIFA ha impedido en el pasado que la organización tomara tales medidas. Sus estatutos internos han sido incluso modificados para dificultar que la Asociación de Fútbol de Palestina (PFA) pueda exigir tales medidas. Por lo tanto, ahora es responsabilidad de la sociedad civil ejercer la presión popular necesaria para conseguirlo. 

Desplácese hacia abajo para ver las organizaciones y personas que apoyan la campaña, hasta ahora. 

Más de 70 organizaciones de la sociedad civil de todo el mundo se han reunido para nombrar las siguientes objeciones: 

A) La Liga de Fútbol Israelí (IFL) permite a los jugadores, e incluso a cinco clubes de los asentamientos ilegales israelíes (legalmente bajo la jurisdicción de Palestina), jugar en su liga nacional sin obtener primero el permiso de la Asociación de Fútbol Palestina (PFA). Se trata de una clara violación de la normativa de la FIFA que debe abordarse. 

B) Israel, mediante su administración y control militar de los Territorios Palestinos Ocupados, ha tomado una serie de medidas que perjudican al deporte del fútbol, entre ellas 

- Restricciones a los viajes internacionales de los jugadores y entrenadores palestinos 

- Restricción de la circulación de jugadores de fútbol entre Gaza, Cisjordania y Jerusalén 

- La negativa a permitir la construcción de estadios e instalaciones en la zona C de Cisjordania, la única ubicación viable para dichas instalaciones 

- No liberar el material deportivo palestino de las aduanas israelíes, ya que Israel controla todas las fronteras 

- Detenciones administrativas de futbolistas y ataques, incluso con gases lacrimógenos, a eventos deportivos 


C) Por último, nos oponemos a la prevalencia de consignas descaradamente racistas ("Muerte a los árabes") y a la violencia antiárabe asociada a los partidos de la IFL. Esto va en contra del objetivo declarado por la FIFA de hacer frente al racismo. 

Y hacer una simple petición: 

La FIFA debe suspender la liga de fútbol israelí hasta que se resuelvan las objeciones mencionadas. 


Carta a la FIFA 

June 17, 2022 

Federation Internationale de Football Association, 

FIFA -Strasse 20, 

P.O Box 8044 

Zurich, Switzerland 


Secretary General Fatma Samoura 

President Gianni Infantino 


Dear President Infantino and Secretary General Samoura, 


We write to you concerning aserious breach of FIFA’s own statutes as they relate to human rights, anti-discrimination, and equality for the promotion of football in a globally accessible and unifying manner. 

In Section 3, the FIFA Statutes indicate a commitment to Human Rights: 

FIFA is committed to respecting all internationally recognised human rights and shall strive to promote the protection of these rights.” In the impunity provided to Israel in regard to violations of international humanitarian and human rights law, FIFA has breached this commitment. 

Meanwhile, Section 2 of the FIFA Statutesinclude the following objectives: 

a)to  improve  the  game  of  football  constantly  and  promote  it  globally  in  the light   of   its   unifying,   educational,   cultural   and   humanitarian   values, particularly through youth and development programmes; 

e)to  use  its  efforts  to  ensure  that  the  game  of  football  is  available  to  and resourced for all who wish to participate, regardless of gender or age; 

The State of Israel’s brutal occupation makes the realization of such objectives impossible, as Israel  continues  to  systematically  practice  ethnic  cleansing  and segregation against more than five million Palestinians suffering under its military occupation. 

Palestinian clubs continue to be deprived of growing and developing the game they love due to the Israeli occupation that kills and arrests their players, destroys their facilities,  and  confiscates  their  land  to  build  illegal  settlements.  Recently,  the  Al-Khader  club  lost  two  promising  players  who  were  killed  in  cold  blood  by  the occupation.  15-year-old  player  Zeid  Mohammad  Ghneim  and  his  distant  cousin Mohammad Al-Ghneim were executed by Israeli soldiers.  

Palestinian players cannot freely enter, exit, or travel within their homeland due to travel  restrictions  and  Israeli  checkpoints;  their  stadiums  are  often  stormed  by Israeli  soldiers  who  throw  tear  gas  canisters  and  shoot  live  and  rubber  bullets during the matches. 

Non-Discrimination, Equality and Neutrality  

Section 5 of the FIFA Statutes is very clear in regard tonon-discrimination, equality, and neutrality, specifically: 

1. Discrimination of any kind against a country, private person or group of people  on  account  of  race,  skin  colour,  ethnic,  national  or  social  origin, gender, disability, language, religion, political opinion or any other opinion, wealth, birth or any other status, sexual orientation or any other reason is strictly prohibited and punishable by suspension or expulsion. 

2. FIFA remains neutral in matters of politics and religion. Exceptions may be made with regard to matters affected by FIFA’s statutory objectives. 

When  it  came  to  South  African  apartheid,  the prevalenceof  discrimination  and inequality led to South Africa being thrown out of FIFA. 

Well   documented   and   internally   reported   discrimination,   accompanied   by violence, threats, and anti-Arab bigotry, regarding the Beitar Jerusalem team have been  ignored  by  FIFA.  For  example,  in  October  2020 The Washington Post indicated: 

La Familia, is composed of infamously racist “ultras” who support the team Beitar  Jerusalem. On their  face, ultras are highly organized fans; at games, they  lead  raucous  chants,  unfurl  massive  bannersand  set  off  flares.  In practice, they can operate as members of a street gang united by criminality, ideology or a little bit of both. 

Beitar is the unofficial team of Israel’s political right. It is the only club in the Israeli Premier League never to have had an Arab player on its roster, and it is Netanyahu’s favorite team. So as the summer’s protests swept Jerusalem, Likud activist Amnon Ben Ami put  the call out for  the ultras on his popular Facebook page: “La Familia, you are the medicine against those anarchists. 

”Ben-Gurion   University   doctoral   student Sophia Solomon concluded that the group’s violence benefits both the team and the politicians. Despite the fact that such widely reported specifics about racism, discrimination, racist chants (including “Death to Arabs”), and violence have been  brought  to  the  attention  of  FIFA,  the organization continues to turn a blind eye.  

In Section 5 of the Statutes, as a commitment to promoting friendly relations, FIFA indicates that it  

shall provide  the  necessary institutional means to resolve  any dispute  that may  arise  between  or  among  member  associations,  confederations,  clubs, officials and players. 

We ask you specifically: what has FIFA done in this regard? Considering the efforts to bring the many breaches of its own policy to the attention of FIFA over the last decade, FIFA appears to have “dropped the ball” and not taken any meaningful action to hold the Israel Football Association accountable. 

Indication that any issues related to the IFA’s  behaviour is political, if ever valid, was negated when FIFA on February 28, 2022 suspended Russia from international competition. This double standard reeks of hypocrisy. 

The  statutes  related  to  member  associations  (Section  15)  requires  that  member associations “must comply with the principles of good governance and shall in particular contain, at a minimum, provisions relating to the ‘following matters.’ In the  case  of the  PFA, the Israeli military occupation means that, of these  matters, the following cannot be realized: 

b) to prohibit all forms of discrimination. 

e)  all  relevant  stakeholders  must  agree  to  respect  the  Laws  of  the  Game,  the principles  of  loyalty,  integrity,  sportsmanship  and  fair  play  as  well  as  the Statutes, regulations and decisions of FIFA and of the respective confederation; 

i) to avoid conflicts of interests in decision-making.  

The  Palestinian  Football  Association  has  long  waited  for  Israeli  footballers  to condemn these actions. 

But, instead of denouncing the actions of its government, or at least protesting the violence, the Israel Football Association is allowing more than six clubs, located on lands stolen  from  the  Palestinian  people,  to  play  in  its  national  league,  while Palestinians  are  denied  access  to  these  same  lands;  it  allows  the  racist  fans  of Israeli clubs like “Beitar Jerusalem” to chant racist and derogatory chants against Palestinians and attack them in the streets.  

Football has a powerful role  in building a culture  of tolerance  and respect and in promoting friendly relations among nations as indicated in FIFA’sown objectives. 

It is in this context that civil society from around the world is coming together to make a strong but simple call for FIFA to sanction the IFA. In this regard more than 80  organizations  and  over  700  individuals  from  around  the  world  havecome together thus far to send you this message: 

Both Israel and the State of Palestine are members of the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) and subject to its internal regulations. 

Israel has violated the principles of FIFA in a variety of ways that would normally warrant disciplinary actions and even a suspension of its membership. However, the politics of FIFA have prevented the organization in the past from taking such action. Its  internal  by-laws  have  even  been  amended  to  makeit  more  difficult  for  the Palestine Football Association (PFA) to demand such action. 

5In the past, it has also been the policy of FIFA to punish any raising of Palestinian flags by players and clubs who are not Palestinian, on the basis that “politics and sports should not mix.” The Palestine Football Association (PFA) fought a legal battle for years with integrity and had their case illegally shut down; however, FIFA did not even bother following  the  legal process in their suspension of Russia. The hypocrisy and double standards are unacceptable. Palestinians have been treated unjustly. 

Our objections include: 

A. The IFA (Israel Football Association) allows players and even five clubs from the illegal Israeli settlements (legally under the jurisdiction of Palestine), to play in their national   league   without   first   obtaining   permission   from   the   PFA.   This   is   a straightforward violation of FIFA regulations that must be addressed. 

B.  Israel,  by  means  of  its  military  administration  and  control  of  the  OccupiedPalestinian  Territories,  has  taken  a  number  of  measures  that  harm  the  sport  of football, including: 

●International travel restrictions on Palestinian players and coaches 

●Restricting the movement of football players between Gaza, the West Bank, and Jerusalem 

●Refusal to allow the building of stadiums and facilities in Area C of the West Bank, the only viable location for such facilities 

●Failing to release Palestinian sports equipment from Israeli customs, as Israel controls all borders 

●Administrative arrests  of  footballers  and  attacks  upon,  including  the  tear-gassing of, sports events 

C. Finally, we object to the prevalence of blatantly racist sloganeering (“Death to Arabs”) and anti-Arab  violence  associated  with  IFA  games.  This  runs  counter  to FIFA’sstated goal of confronting racism. 

The ask is simple: 

FIFA must sanction the Israel Football Association until the above objections have been resolved. 

FIFA,  as  the  umbrella  organization  for  the  sport  of  football  in  its  entirety  and  its highest governing body, needs to carry out its legal and moral obligations. 

The list of signatories includes human rights, faith groups, sports organizations and clubs, grassroots organizations, and others from six continents. 

It  includesmusician  Roger  Waters,  author  Yann  Martel,  journalist  Chris  Hedges, musician Lelia Sansour, award filmmaker Rifat Audeh, chair of the Jewish Network for Palestine  in the  UK, David Cannon, along with faith  leaders, lawyers, doctors, academics, artists, athletes, fans, labour leaders, activists, and fans from Palestine, Israel,  the  USA,  Canada,  Chile,  Argentina,  Mexico,  Greece,  the  UK,  Germany, Australia,  Jordan  and  many  other  places. Those  who  have  signed  are  included below. 

We look forward to your response which can be sent to: 

Jonathan Kuttab 

Friends of Sabeel North America 

PO Box 3192  

Greenwood Village, CO, 80155-3192 

We would also welcome a meeting with you. 


Jonathan Kuttab,  

Esq.Executive Director 

Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA 

)cc: FIFA Council Vice Presidents, FIFA Council Members, FIFA Department Heads 


Lista de organizaciones que ya han firmado: 

#Africa4Palestine, South Africa 

Academics for Palestine-Concordia, Montreal, Canada 


Al Marwa, Jordan 

Australian Friends of Palestine Association, Adelaide, Australia 

Australians for Palestine, Australia 

Baltimore Nonviolence Center 

Bashir Zmaili & Partners Co., Jordan 

Bathurst United Church, Toronto 

BDS Malaysia, Malaysia 

Boycott from Within, Palestine 48 territory (“Israel”) 

Cafe Palestina, Berkshires, Massachusetts 

Canada Palestine Association, Vancouver, Canada 

Canadian Arab Federation 

Canadian Arab Society Of London 

Canadian BDS Coalition 

Canadian Foreign Policy Institute 

Canadian Women’s Declaration 

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) 

Christian-Jewish Allies for a Just Peace for Israel/Palestine 

Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid, Victoria, B.C., Canada 


Dufferin Simcoe Film Society, Shelburne, Ontario, Canada 

Edmonton Small Press Association 

Episcopal Peace Fellowship – Palestine Israel Network, USA 

FOSNA Pittsburgh 

Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA) 

Gaza Action Ireland , Ireland 

Global Peace Alliance BC Society, Canada 

Good Shepherd Collective, Palestine 

Greater Toronto for BDS (GT4BDS), Toronto 

Green Mountain Solidarity With Palestine, Waitsfield, VT 

Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada 

Hettin Camp Club, Jordan 

HR4A Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada 

Independent Jewish Voices 

Indiana Center for Middle East Peace, Indiana, USA 

Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church USA 

Jewish Voice for Peace, USA 

Jews for Palestinian Right of Return, USA 

Just Peace Advocates/Mouvement Pour Une Paix Juste, Canada 

Just Peace Committee & ILPS Commission 4, Vancouver, BC 

Knowledge Track Inc., Ottawa, Canada 

Labor for Palestine, USA 

Let Kashmir Decide 

Middle East Justice and Peace Group of South Central PA, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania 

Nawal al Abed, USA 

NH Veterans for Peace, New Hampshire, USA 

Niagara Movement for Justice in Palestine-Israel (NMJPI), Ontario, Canada 

Northfielders for Justice in Palestine/Israel, Northfield MN USA 

Oakville Palestinian Rights Association, Oakville, Ontario, Canada 

PAJU (Palestinian and Jewish Unity), Montreal, Canada 

Palestine Football Association 

Palestine Higher Council of Youth & Sports 

Palestine House -The Palestinian Canadian Community Centre, Mississauga, Ontario 

Palestine Olympic Committee 

Palestine Solidarity Campaign – Cape Town, South Africa 

Palestinian Canadian Congress Canada National 

Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace, Wooster, Ohio 

Regina Peace Council, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada , United States 

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network 

SE London Friends of Palestine 

Students for Justice in Palestine at Rutgers – New Brunswick 

Tadamun Antimili, Colombia 

The Rosette Network Ltd., Ottawa, Canada 

Toronto Raging Granniesm Toronto, Ontario, Canada 

UbiOrbi Denavar 

UCC PIN National Steering Committee, USA 

USACBI: US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, USA 

Valley View Church, Pittsburgh, PA USA 

Other sports teams, organizations and groups can add their support at: 

Joining with them are hundreds of athletes, artists, academics, lawyers, clergy, activists, sports fans and others including: 

Roger Waters, musician and activist 

Saeed Mousa Alejawey, Previous President of Jaleel Club, Jordan-Irbid 

Jehad Fathi Atieh, Manager of the Yarmouk Club, Amman, Jordan 

Yann Martel, author 

Chris Hedges, journalist 

Carlos Robert Steiner, Military Veteran 

Rabbi David Mivasair, Rabbi Emeritus 


You can add your support at 

Firma la Iniciativa Ciudadana Europea de prohibir el comercio entre la UE y asentamientos de los Territorios Ocupados

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